Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What should I bring to my first appointment?
A. Please bring the new patient paperwork that is attached under patient information or can be mailed to you from our office, copies of any imaging studies of your spine including X-Rays, CTs and MRIs on CDs or film, in addition to any radiology reports that you have been given and your ID and insurance cards.
Q. What can I expect at my first appointment?
A. A new patient visit with Dr. Ravi will include a review of your medical history and all imaging studies, a neurologic exam with an emphasis on your motor function, sensation, and reflexes followed by an explanation of and discussion regarding your diagnosis and a follow up plan for further imaging, conservative management or surgical intervention, if appropriate.
Q. Where are diagnostic studies such as X-Rays, MRIs CTs, or Epidural Injections/ Facet Injections performed?
A. Imaging studies are generally ordered at Mercy Imaging or Sutter Imaging of Sacramento – locations are available through their webpage. Studies can also be ordered at another facility if you request it. Epidural/Facet injections are referred out to pain management doctors who perform these procedures in multiple locations, depending on what is convenient for the patient.
Q. Where are Surgeries Performed?
A. Surgeries and postoperative inpatient care are performed at Sutter Hospital in Roseville, Mercy General Hospital, Mercy Folsom Hospital or Mercy San Juan Hospital
Q. When will I be seen after surgery?
A. Dr. Ravi will generally see patients at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 6 months and 1 year postoperatively; depending on the complexity of the procedure
Q. What insurance plans are currently accepted?
A. PPO insurance plans, HMOs depending on the medical group attached, Workers’ Compensation, MediCare, and some MediCal plans are accepted.
Q. How can I schedule an appointment?
A. Please call our appointment line at (916) 245-3322 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday – certain HMOs may require a referral from your primary care provider